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15 comments99 kb, 410 Downloads

old de_kentriot

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> Welcome to some mysterious place in Ukraine.

> The so called '' Kentriot '' is known as an abandoned facility but there are still some bombs left in white crates inside the facility,we got some Intel that the terrorists are planning to launch an attack to detonate them and contaminate the area with toxins. You have to stop them,so chop chop!
> Big thanks to @user Jite: a.k.a PiWi for allowing me to edit his tilesets so i could create this map.

> 26 spawns,13 for each team,2 bombsites,a lot of crates
> That is all,leave feedback in the description on what i should improve and on what you would like to see next

>Moved one of the CT spawns closer to B so they have time to 'setup'
>Opened a second entrance into the building,from the south side.
>Blended the water so it looks nicer and replaced the broken wall tileset at A
>Placed a wall at B so T's get there a little bit slower
>Put more boxes just for gameplay changes.
edited 10×, last 13.12.17 08:56:50 am
Approved by Seekay

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the bamboozle
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The layout is interesting and the map looks kinda cute.
I like it!


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i try to keep the sprites on a minimalism but i'll see what i can do on the next one.


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Not bad, but there are some flaws: 1. lack of details sprites and effects on the map 2. tileset is too cartoonish and boring 3. you forgot to set sounds for grey tile at CT spawn. 4. counter-terrorists will always come faster than terrorists for 1-2 seconds at any bombspot.
Good luck with your next map.
I like it!


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It should be "contaminate." instead of "radiate."
I like it!


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Yes, except one moment that mostly nobody would care about, that's why i suggested another way.

The water looks better now! [There is no double like so cookies for you :d]
I like it!


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This water might be better aswell. But if you prefer square ones is your choice, because i dont mind them, for example.
I like it!


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no i didn't mean not extending it,i meant i don't want to make it so detailed,i'd love to make a 2nd part but i'm too bad at it..


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Aw, i just said my feelings about that map, but not that it needed some more space for it and more around. Is just like you reading a book or watching film and there is only one part of it at the moment and you wanna for next one.
/would be good to use space after each comma you using ", "
I like it!


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Thanks,but i'd like to keep it simple,you know,don't want to make such a big thing out of it,maybe i could continue with more of it,there's an underground part of the facility


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By the way of water things and etc. You can use some custom tiles with fully transparent side of where the water is ending and the line approximately half transparented.
Then place at the water tile a dyn_wall with "floor" property
An example:

I like the map' construction. It makes me want for continuation of the whole around that apartment :d
I like it!


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I really liked the feeling and atmosphere of the map in general but here's a few things I'd like to point out:

Those walls are intended to be like that? It looks off. Really liked the steps though.

Those tiles on the entrance are weirdly blended, idk, it just looks weird. Plus that's the only entrance to the bombspot, which Ts might have a hard time entering.

This bombspot is really well done, I like how those simple trees look so great. However, gameplay wise, Ts reach it way faster than CTs so it's a bit of a disadvantage there.

Water looks to square, maybe could of blend it with the grass so it's smoother (same for all the water across the map)

PS: I liked the description of the current situation, "chop chop!"
PS2: good use of the windows/glass tiles
I like it!
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