Lil backstory : The WumbaJumbas we're once again,doing crime in the city,they we're raiding the Police Headquarters. This time the marines were exhausted and they had to call the Feds to interfere this hostage situation.
As always a lot of sprites are from original game files and some are from mr.@ Lubo:
This map also features different spawnpoints, with teleports of course.
You cannot buy your own guns, cause in real life you dont buy your own stuff. But you come equipped with an UMP-45, a SSG 08 or the infamous M3. Right you also got armor and pistols,not as if anybody uses those.
Please don't repost this on another site and claim it as yours
But please do edit it and use it for your own likes.
edited 4×, last 22.11.17 06:13:50 pm
Approved by Yates
363 kb, 380 Downloads