Logically, there's 2 types of hacking programs. The first one is manual hacks, using hotkeys / binds to change value. The second one is automatic hacks, updates every millisecond to change the value e.g.: aimbot.
In my hack detection, manual hacks e.g.: speedhack (with hotkeys) the hacker's speed will reset to 0. But automatic speedhack will be detected, the hacker will be killed by SPEEDHACK DETECTION (customkill) and his information (name, IP, USGN) will be logged.

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You are allowed to play it on your own server.
You are allowed to share it with my permission.
You are allowed to edit the whole script to improve it.
You are not allowed to claim it as yourself.
Please tag me if you attach this in your own script.

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Approved by Seekay
3 kb, 485 Downloads