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22 comments359 kb, 523 Downloads

old Guitorres - de_island

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Hi der, after f*king 5 years without mapping, I decided to try again with my free time, give me a chance bro


> Note: I do not recommend playing with 3D enabled, as there are many bugs that I could not fix

• 1:1 mapexport:
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Approved by Yates

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I like it!


the bamboozle
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Bootiful. *the expression of your avatar*
I like it!


crazy junkman Wolfgang
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I kinda like the tiles and how they are placed, moreover map could be expanded a bit for zombie mode, couple more corridos'n'shit/some plaza maybe
I like it!
edited 1×, last 05.09.17 08:12:12 am

old 6/10

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A bit simple, but it looks good.
I like it!


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not bad, not bad
I like it!


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@user Masea: That's what the whole option is for with the Z height. It fixes the "floating" feel so you can position it as if it were laying ontop of something else.

@user Mora: Never. I bet this is just poor map editing.


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@user Yates: and still, not all things in 3d may work good for all tiles.. I'm sure you'd have alot of shit troubles while developing a map using 3d walls.
I like it!


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@user Yates: The only problem is not that what you said. No matter whether you can type lower than 32 or not. It will look bad yet again. Sprites and such look bad in the 3D just because we feel like they're flying. Unless what all you gonna make just square sprites. I support your opinion that you said all the maps should work with the 3D. Yet, it is... I don't know - hard to make it work.


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@user Masea: Perfectly fine as in no breaking issues. I should surely expect you of all people to not take everything literally. Apparently not.


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user Yates has written
I've used the new editor far more than you have when you decided to create this map. The only thing I came across is env_sprite not being able to set the Z height lower than 32. I reported that issue. It will be fixed. Maybe you should be doing the same instead of "no work is buggd pls how 2 sav map."

This means it doesn't work "perfectly fine" mate. It is annoying really.


Reviewer Off Offline

I'm sorry I can't see any posts of yours in the CS2D bug thread. Maybe I missed them?

I've used the new editor far more than you have when you decided to create this map. The only thing I came across is env_sprite not being able to set the Z height lower than 32. I reported that issue. It will be fixed. Maybe you should be doing the same instead of "no work is buggd pls how 2 sav map."


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@user Yates:
it works perfectly fine

sorry, but nope... there is several bugs with shadows & lights with the 3d toll on, like a fucking tile with 0x0 3d scale, but in game that sht have 32x32 3d scale, just make no sense, or decails fuses with walls, lal


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@user Mora: Oh sorry let me just update a 4 year old map that isn't used any more. I didn't think I'd have to elaborate but oh my you just had to lower the bar for everyone. Great job.

All new maps should support the feature. There is no reason not to - it works perfectly fine. Just because no one tries doesn't mean it's broken.


Super User Off Offline

This is not an island. More like a town where is surrounded by water. I know, we can still call it as an island but I thought there are some palms in the middle of the map just because there were always palms whenever I see something about an island so.


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@user Yates: due to sickness of this 3D no any map should be launched with this feature. I'd have a look on your rpg map with 3D. Especially houses and windows.
I like it!


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Your previous maps are better, this one looks...too simple.

+Landings with shadows? It's kinda wrong to me.


Reviewer Off Offline

It doesn't look very appealing and honestly all maps should work with the new 3D tiles.


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Hello guitorres.

Awesome gfx.

Now to problems:

for 5v5 is too small.
Although TTs have some good timing, CTs can scan(make random shots). For example at left, they can shoot that easily and making it impossible to trasspass such long bridge.

MID is very easy to cover as CT, and by covering mid you can cover right too= overpowered. This is because the map is small.
If you play offensive right it's easy to have frozen TTs, which cant even move.

So to me it looks like, if you dont rush very fast then it's a very boring map.

It's also hard to differenciate which is wall from obstacle at plain sight.
And that box on the middle should be deleted and make a little tunnel over it, so you can go to the bridge and TTs can rotate faster.

I would never play it on 5on5, but 4v4 is possible
I like it!


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@user oxytamine: wont agree
@user BlackBelt: the map is fcking good! It's orgasm for my eyes.
I like it!


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Looks good.
I like it!
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