Sorry for my lord's madness. I'm Haskill, the humble servant of my lord. Here is a better description of my lord's great creation.
This is Wabbasnowball, which will apply Wabbajack's effect when you shoot your enemies with a snowball. The effect of the Wabbasnowball is just as unpredictable as my lord is, the outcome is never known until it hits the target.
Put the lua file inside sys/lua/autorun
How to use
Equip the snowball and start shooting your enemies, that's it.
In case my lord's creation has any imperfection, please do report to me.
Avo for his [Bolt]Easy lua effects (12)
Seriously this is Lord Sheogorath's perfect snowball, so you may freely use it as long as you follow the
edited 25×, last 05.02.19 07:19:34 am
Approved by Sparty
3 kb, 464 Downloads