Pick dropped satchel charges from the ground with the Use [E] key;
Once you have maximum five satchel charges you cannot pick them any more (3rd screenshot);
If you do not have at least one satchel charge (+ a remote control as you must have it in order to detonate them at any time) you're not able to pick them (4th screenshot).
Extract the GetDroppedCharges.lua file to
sys/luapath. Afterwards open server.lua with a text editor and add the following line:
As of 03 of July, 2017, you are now able to customise and disable the message outputs of this script. Check the More tag for further information on how to use this system.
Apache uwu - Weapon Ammo Counts (14) (Took some examples from his script code)
Dousea - Helped me at fixing annoying bugs
03.07.17 - Message configuration added (see the details above)
18.06.17 - Initial release
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edited 8×, last 03.07.17 02:47:16 pm
Approved by Sparty
2 kb, 504 Downloads