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old Outlast II Mod

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After dealing with Outlast 1 for quite a bit, I wanted to give Outlast 2 a shot this time. Despite the fact that I have not been uploading my mods (until now), this time I give that a stop and will let you try my precious hand-made product. This may be called Outlast 2 but since we are not professionals, do not expect an actual copy of the original game, however, I believe this is something worth trying. You might not have experienced anything like this before, so I warn you, you may vomit, shake or even pass out during the play. Good luck.

Warning: This is a single-player mod. Please do not attempt to play it with your friends otherwise the game would be pretty much fucked up. Thanks for your understanding.

> Features
• Advanced health system. Find bandages across the world and replenish your health.
• The flashlight now has energy. Keeping it on makes it drain its energy slowly over time. You can refill its energy by batteries that you can find across the world.
• Door system.
• Advanced AI, which is indispensable for a mod like this. Villains are interspersed around the map. Getting too close to them or staying in the line of their sight would make you noticed. The chase begins when noticed, along with a short soundtrack to boost up the attraction.
• Hiding system. Staying on bushes makes you hidden, which then villains would not be able to notice you.
• Saving system. The batteries and bandages you are carrying or even the current energy of your flashlight are saved once you finish a stage. So in the next stage, you will always start with the same items you had in the previous stage.

off-topic Installation & Launching
• Download the .rar from the link below
• Extract the .rar to your CS2D folder
• Tick "outlast2" mod via the Mods tab found in the main screen
• Enable cs2d cmd mp_luamap
• Select the map "o2_1" and start the game

Warning: It is recommended to play this mod without additional scripts to avoid possible conflicts.

illegal Rules
• Do not share it somewhere else without my permission.
• Do not edit existing things. You can only add more maps.

Gameplay Video (I would not recommend you to watch this unless you have beaten the game by yourself, as this spoils the story)

∗ Download (>200 MB) ∗

Update (29.1.2020): Stage #3 has been released and a small bug has been fixed where your data will not be saved at the end of the second stage. cs2d cmd mp_flashlight is now automatically enabled. It is recommended to play from the first stage since your saves might have been lost (not a big deal though).

edited 28×, last 28.12.24 01:04:06 pm
Approved by SQ

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@user Mora: Exactly! Those were the things I miss and from Outlast 1. I don't know if you ever watched the original Outlast 2 videos but what I've done here is Outlast 2, not Outlast 1. You can't see those type missions in Outlast 2 as much as we see in the first game. This is why I still like Outlast 1 more than Outlast 2.

Yes, you can run but it doesn't mean the others can. Like you like this mod but it doesn't mean this can't be liked by others.

Other than that, you would have seen that this mod hasn't finished yet and again would have thought that there would be the things like you said in the next maps which are coming next and should have rated this way. Yet you only presume this mod as nothing and I must say that it fucking hurts dude.


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If you never understand what's the point about - for sure it would never stops, but in ur head.
Just look on your previous mods. You remember dat pink best skin guy scene? Dat guy,you need to run, but he may find you, you will be a lilbit scared of him (,) and in this part you have a mission(which is not just a line, you need to ON something, find key, then back, etc), this event where you remove dat.. floor-door maybe? idk(,) dat jump event ( and this really awesome ending (

I can't see here anything more than just evade bots using run mode.. nothing more.. really nothing to rate, anything you made here is not used properly.. and won't be needed bcs i can run from them, it's kinda overpowered.


Super User Off Offline

@user Mora: Well, looks like this discussion will never stop if I don't stop. Anyways, thank you for your rate. Do not get me rude, and do not think that you won anything. The most thing I felt bad about was you got my words like "then fcking dont play it if you don't like it" but they are absolutely not. I just need to see everything of what people do not like and then work on it. Sorry but your rate is still no sense for me. Because all you said are in the game except the opening doors with keys and I don't think that'd make you like this mod. If you don't see them, I can no longer do anything.

I'm mixed up a bit, I guess.


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I tried with mp_luamap 0 and 1, and used "outlast2/server.lua" path. And both. and w/o that path. no matter, i tried all the fcking possible things.
By givin' you these 3 of 10 points i made you to understand how bad is it(FOR ME, not sayin' everyone should accept mine feedback. It's my own, you think that i'm suggestiong anyone to no play this if i dont like it personally but no fck).
these 3 points is all that i seen in this game. 2 Minutes? bcs it's not interesting to long walk through boring map(bcs i tried to play ~for 15 minutes and find something really interesting..), where is not really better atmosphere as you said.
Nothing makes me to find something, open something, keys, shits, some events.. NOTHING ... But in previous you had all this.
Making better tiles won't make it much better, since previous ones looks very interesting.
These 7 points is empty to show you that nothing you made to fill them. As i said, there is nothing to look at.
Your "improved ai" makes no sense since i can simply run and evade their attacks.
It's not really matters to have such "player's skins" since we have only our hands.

Deal with it. You can't accept the rate bcs you think if you're only who made dat outlast2 2d mod.. But in fact we may have one cream (irl) that makes your penis longer, but it injects AIDS(not). For sure it will be best bcs nothing similar is maden, but since it's shitty AIDS makes me sick them anytime i'm inject it - it's rate is lower.
The same with your mod.
I won't argue with you anymore. You wanna feedback, you got it. Feedback can't be always GOOD. You think that it's the best thing ever(omg00))0)). I'm not blind, i tried to find something really that i would like. And i found only 3 in my ~47 minutes(in total) of playing it, and gave you 7 empty points to make you sure that something you miss.

I h8 ur shitty angeyness, stop being sure that everyone should like your mod(s).
You wanna for comments but you criticize any non-good feedback by words like: "then fcking dont play it if you don't like it".
Lmao, so much text, somewhere i lost the point but i hope you won't have more questions. Otherwise you will prove my words about you.


Super User Off Offline

@user Mora: Now I can look your rate and tell why are them shit. Of course, you might say it is not better than previous ones, yet all that you said make no sense at all.

user Mora has written
1 point for scripts(but anyway I can run too fast)
1 point for map which is detailed(even not much like previous) and it's better look.
1 point for the gameplay. Bcs i can't give more for nice Sprint from start to the finish.

We actually don't say why we give these points, we say for why we don't give these points and definitely their reasons. If you would have said why you didn't give, I could have understood what is my lack but now I may ask only where are those other 7 points? Where the fuck did they go? Neither we do, nor you do, so does nobody. If I would ask you why you gave me 9 points for other ones, you could not give me more than 4 reasons dude.

However, I and all other one else can give some causes why this one is better:
• This one got good AI.
• This one got better flashlight energy system.
• This one got hiding system.
• This one got a better atmosphere.
• This one even got player skins which make us feel we're really playing a mod.

In short, you don't know how to rate a game. And I a bit doubt that you typed that wrong. If it isn't, why you said me that you run "outlast2.lua"? While it does that already in map script?

Oh wait, why the hell do I care this guy too much? While he couldn't even give his 10 minutes(OR FUCKING 2 MIN, RIGHT?!) for somebody... I don't know man, really I don't. Why people must see every fucking detail when the guy has already given a lot of time on that. Because people are jealous(If you're not, then just don't mind it).


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@user Masea: Probably it was mine mistake that i write mp_luamap 0 on my post.. i know that it should be 1. and it has been ON. I just type my text at the morning, when i tried this game-mod. Had no 100% clear mind and i didn't notice that i type 0, instead of 1. Thank for understandng.
Anyway, the point is still. But really, i can't like it more than your previous by the reasons below.


Super User Off Offline

@user Yates: You are right. Yet, no one else has right to rate it if they're not in the right way while the true way is obvious. I see that you're trying to help me but I hate it when it's about someone and not about the actual thing. Anyways, thank you.


Reviewer Off Offline

Uh, I'm trying to help you help users correctly use your modification. Just because they are not using it correctly does not mean it is their fault, usability is the most important thing when creating a huge modification. Anyone, no matter how ignorant or stupid they are should be able to use the modification correctly and receive errors and warnings accordingly.

Maybe once you grasp that concept I'll be willing to try it out. Until then try to be nicer when receiving feedback


Super User Off Offline

user Yates has written
and throw an error telling people to enable cs2d cmd mp_luamap (if the variable is not set or the wrong script is loaded).
And maybe to make you rate my file.

I don't want to stop people who are that much lazy and especially played maps like this one already to at least enable fucking cs2d cmd mp_luamap. This is not my fault and you've shown me that like it is.

I've not understood you since I joined this community. You just sometimes make comments on my stuff, and they are being only for someone else's comment. I hate it. If you're going to comment something on my content, they should also have an investigation of what I've done. Otherwise, trust me they're not helping me at all!

Also, we both fucking know, making to game run established .lua instead of just enabling cs2d cmd mp_luamap, is a worst and harder thing ever.
edited 3×, last 18.05.17 11:38:40 am


Reviewer Off Offline

@user Masea: Maybe you could set a variable in the <mapname>.lua file, check if that variable is set in one of your sys/lua/<script>.lua files, compare it with the map currently running and throw an error telling people to enable cs2d cmd mp_luamap (if the variable is not set or the wrong script is loaded).

This way you can stop a lot of people from playing wrong.


Super User Off Offline

@user Mora: Next time maybe you should read the description. Because I said there "enable mp_luamap" but instead doing that you used your amazing brain and just run outlast2 lua.

The guy doesn't fulfill correct instructions , and waits for best gameplay. Legit mind it is.

I can't accept your rate since you didn't play my mod, you only played my scripts with empty maps.

And please, try to be like that every fucking time. Because I love people like you, everytime studies anything from begining to end. But, you should know where you need to study.

By the way, you're doing the same thing as user StirlizZ-Fapicon.

@user Waldin: Sorry for that, but first map has a lot of images in it in order to it takes a while to complete load. Maybe you might at least play the second map which is a bit short actually.
edited 2×, last 18.05.17 11:02:39 am


User Off Offline

The gameplay was ~2 minutes. one to load the map, and one to run through the whole two maps. I spent no bandages and no battery. Previous ones was better, where you need to run somewhere, where you see nice map detailed and where you can't simply run w/o being scared.
If i compare it with your previous ones, this one is worst. I can get all them 9/10, but this one is like 3/10.
1 point for scripts(but anyway i can run too fast)
1 point for map which is detailed(even not much like previous) and it's better look.
1 point for the gameplay. Bcs i can't give more for nice Sprint from start to the finish.
You would ask: why you fckin' ran the whole map?
A: You allow me to do that. No any stop-actions where you need to do something and use ur logic etc. And i have mp_luamap is 0, used "outlast2/server.lua" to launch it.


User Off Offline

Yes. My microwaves sucks. The map doesnt even load.
I like it!


Super User Off Offline

@user Waldin: When and where exactly? It's probably about your low spec. PC.


User Off Offline

well done
I like it!


User Off Offline

game crashes
I like it!
edited 1×, last 17.05.17 05:43:41 am


Reviewer Off Offline

@user progamer1217: as @user Masea already mentioned use
mp_luamap 1
I like it!
edited 1×, last 17.05.17 05:14:36 am


User Off Offline

Moved the folder to mods and nothing happened
nvm i fixed it
I like it!
edited 2×, last 17.05.17 02:27:54 am


Reviewer Off Offline

Not bad.
I like it!


User Off Offline

Whoah dude
I like it!
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