This script allows you to place bank vaults on the map.
Dont claim it as yours
Use it on your server
You are allowed to edit it but put me on credits
TT Objectives:
- As a terrorist you must rob every bank vault you find.
- Press [USE] around a bank vault in order to start a robbery only if this one isn't already robbed.
- Then press [USE] again in order to get suitcases from the bank vault. You can drop these suitcases by selecting first your knife and then click on your drop key.
- You have to move away from the bank vault in order to get the money (this settings is configurable).
- Protect the bank vault from CTs during the robbery ! Otherwise they might stop it and get you.
CT Objectives:
- Your objective is to protect bank vaults.
- If you find suitcases you have to collect them and drop them to the nearest bank vault in order to give back the stolen money.
- You can't take money from suitcases !
- You can stop a robbery by pressing [USE] on it.
- Download the archive
- Extract it's content inside your cs2d folder
You can configure a lot of settings inside the lua file.
For instance:
- Your bank name
- The bank currency
- Images
- Sounds
- ...
How to spawn bank vaults ?
- You'll have to repeat this step everytime you change map/start a new server.
- Open the console and type the following command.
- !bank_vault x y
- Try it on de_dust AS TT like in the screenshot below.
edited 3×, last 21.08.16 09:57:26 pm
Approved by Sparty
1.20 mb, 370 Downloads