I finally made something out of half life 2 map, but it isn't much, my lazyness has catch up with me and i barely play games lately so no full map, yet.
So here is one litle chapter from half life map.
All tiles and sprites are 90% of mine, created either by screenshoting ingame or extracting through models/materials file from game itself, rest is of unknown heroes, but i only know i used @ Yates: tv sprite (or at least i think it's his).
As for the sounds, all sounds are from valve.
I wont give you map export because it's verry litle part and some parts are covered in black sprites.
If you wanna test it be sure to have instaled "2Gen's Extension for Starkkz's NPC Pack" which can be located here: http://www.unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=17088&goto=186683#com186683
One more important thing, be sure to use mp_luamap 1, otherwise you will get stuck and you wont see sh*t (trigger_if and parse setpos stuff).
Now one non important thing, if somebody wants to use resources from this map, or even map itself, be my guest, you don't even have to give me credits for it.
Use light engine and enjoy!
edited 3×, last 26.07.16 01:29:18 pm
Approved by Yates
4.77 mb, 707 Downloads