
> > CS2D > Maps > [px20] de_west Bomb Defuse Map v1.0
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English [px20] de_west Bomb Defuse Map v1.0 >

8 comments271 kb, 333 Downloads

old [px20] de_west Bomb Defuse Map v1.0


Hello us sgn users, today i wanna upload my second bomb defuse map, named "de_west".

> Missions <
Terrorists :
• Explode chemical weapon boxes.
• Kill all the CTs.
• Destroy west village by destroying barrels.
Counter terrorists :
• Kill all the Ts.
• Guard west village from fires.
• Guard our chemical weapons from terrorists.

illegal Rules illegal
You are allowed to play it on your own server.
You are allowed to share it with my permission.
You are allowed to edit with my permission.
You are not allowed to claim it as yourself.
Please tag me if you share this. Also tag credits.

spam Change logs spam
Version 1.0 release >

spam Known bugs spam
Version 1.0 release >

spam What's new in next version? spam
More sprites in the roof.

∗ Credits ∗
Tile set and sprites user Jite

off-topic Installation off-topic
First step : Download this map
Second step : Extract folder maps and gfx in .zip file into your CS2D file.
Last step : Play and have fun.

P.S.: This file archive will be edited much times.
P.P.S.: If you don't understand, sorry for my English.
P.P.P.S.: If you found any bugs, please report it to me with comment in this file archive, any reports is my pleasure.
edited 3×, last 27.11.16 04:42:13 am
Approved by Sparty

Download Download

271 kb, 333 Downloads


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@user QuakeR: you had my permission this time, if you do want to reupload, make sure that you agree my conditions and request for permission as well.


BANNED Off Offline

Nice map ! , @user Baloon: sorry but i make for map my likings i hope you don't be angry :(. added some shaders and others etc.
I like it!


User Off Offline

user Andrez this can't be played as 5n5.
Maybe 2n2 to 3n3.


User Off Offline

looks nice, is it intended for 5v5...3 v3..or what?

Keep making maps!

if you're interested in making competitive maps, this is my opinion from my long experience(copy paste)

i didnt take a look very closely but balanced competitive maps usually have 4 (where u can have a rotator/supporter)or 5 spaces for cts to defend with flares where tts attack to get into the bombspots

an example of very ct sided map is cbble, which has left (with only 1 entrance for tts) , mid same and right with only 1 entrance, so 3 entrances making it very easy to have right flared for 2 mins

if i were you i'd take a look at some balanced maps like tuscanpod ( 4 spaces for cts) infernopod (even if right is easy to cover it works) , thorpod (the water thing kinda balances it, and that box @ up)
I like it!


User Off Offline

The map doesn't look that good. The graphical view is a point missing, also the tactical too.


User Off Offline

I should test it now!Like it!

After testing:I test it with bots,nobody joins my server.Good job!
I like it!
edited 1×, last 05.07.16 04:12:55 pm


Reviewer Off Offline

Map - 10/10
cookies - 10/10
- 10/10

Map looks Great Nice job!
I like it!
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