As you can see, I released my GTAV-Themed weapons pack. It includes all buyable weapons, grenades, the kevlar + other special weapons.
I'm lazy as fuck to provide in-game screenies so help yourself with the render I made showing the buy, hold and drop images of the buy-able weapons, the special weapons only shows the drop. (The reason why I didn't uploaded this at the specific time)
You can pretty much classify the replacement for the special weapons. Railgun is for laser, blah blah blah.
I made some attachments for the weapons for you to add some decors on the guns.
For anyone who's using the pre-release version of CS2D, just paste the whole folder on the "mods" and launch the game with the mod, you probably know how to launch a mod, do you? On those who not, the same ol' copypasta on the weapons folder.
I'm not sure about the completion of this release and I'm a bit lazy to check problems on the sprites so PM or report here for abnormalities.
You can edit and reupload it, as long as you have my permission.