New machete made by The scytheThe Grim Reaper User Offline 03.01.16 06:09:08 pm This is not your typical machete no no. Its better,longer and cooler. Use it to hack and slash your foes into bits. Please do not claim it as yours. May edit it,but don't re-upload it and claim its yours. Have bucket loads of fun. edited 5×, last 03.01.16 09:09:08 pm Approved by DC (03.01.16 09:20 pm) Download 774 b, 449 Downloads
The Grim Reaper User Offline 21.01.16 07:26:43 pm allot of downloads but not a lot of likes. please like when you download.
The Grim Reaper User Offline 12.01.16 04:57:43 pm look at my other skins edited 1×, last 12.01.16 05:35:17 pm
lenovo GAME BANNED Offline 12.01.16 10:18:45 am @ CY: You opinion does not count here and dont need be approved by you! Idiot --- File: I liked it I like it!
Time User Offline 04.01.16 11:11:17 am Most 32 by 32 sprites aren't worth a like but this one is well made. Good work. I like it!
ThanksThe Grim Reaper User Offline 04.01.16 09:33:55 am Thank you all for taking your time to spectate. edited 2×, last 04.01.16 02:39:36 pm
Downloaded,CY Reviewer Offline 04.01.16 12:56:13 am It does look nice and not your typical shitty files in the file archive. You have my stamp of approval. I like it!
Jite User Offline 03.01.16 08:51:52 pm It might be good but in my opinion i can't judge by thr pictures because this tiles btw ground. Perhaps you could add one with dust tiles. That's mostly the best or you add the picture on a grey background in your creation application. I like it!