nv x M16nvdie User Offline 13.12.15 04:04:49 pm is here the request from @ zazz: F2000 replace Approved by DC (13.12.15 04:43 pm) Download 3 kb, 365 Downloads
nvdie User Offline 17.12.15 04:45:08 pm ACR confirmed + laser replace, thank all you for the feedback
Captione User Offline 17.12.15 02:08:52 pm Fucking nice. Best skin I've seen in this year. Seriously. Could you make me an ACR? I like it!
Top quality,CY Reviewer Offline 13.12.15 07:35:28 pm If you can add extra thickness on the drop image and edit the holster belt thingy, it'd be one of the finest M16 I see in the file archive.
Jite User Offline 13.12.15 06:01:18 pm This looks quiete well, also the conditions at the drop image looks good. Respect! I like it!
zazz User Offline 13.12.15 05:09:46 pm Nice, it's so good! What about a laser replacament next? I like it!
MaxmyA_TN BANNED Offline 13.12.15 05:00:51 pm @ GeoB99: Nothing needs to fix , your argument are invalid again uh. @ nvdie: Nice M16 The drop image and the buying menu image are okay , enought for a like , keep working ! I like it!
GeoB99 Moderator Offline 13.12.15 04:24:04 pm This skin looks decent although I see a little line draw near the bottom of the buttstock in buy image. You gotta have to fix that.