Sounds for editor by Fapicon_rusStirlizZ-Fapicon Super User Offline 01.07.10 11:31:56 am There is 10 sounds for editor, like helecopter sound, water in sewer, ambience of empty street etc. I belive that DC will add these sounds to next cs2d versions All sounds <86kb All sounds saved in .ogg format See other my uploads - Blood mod - es_city_esacpe_1.5 - Crashday&Flatout mod v2.0 - Crashday&Flatout mod v1.0 (now working) - zp_arabic_night_v1.3 Enj0y! edited 4×, last 02.07.10 09:48:21 am Approved by GeoB99 (11.06.16 03:11 pm) Download 454 kb, 795 Downloads
StirlizZ-Fapicon Super User Offline 20.03.12 09:12:20 pm I release it before dowloading Minecraft, I think it`s from ZP:S
Suprise BANNED Offline 20.03.12 04:52:01 pm Hey cool. I'll use it! 1 question! Nuclear_explode from Minecraft? I like it!
Yorty User Offline 02.07.10 09:37:02 pm He wouldn't add them unless they were to be used in an official map.
Cure Pikachu User Offline 02.07.10 06:22:42 am I don't think DC will ever add them. Nice though. I like it!
DoP3 User Offline 01.07.10 05:56:50 pm Nice sounds :), I suggest you just putting the "other uploads" in your Signature.. I like it!