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English The mysterious bank v1.5 >

13 comments381 kb, 423 Downloads

old The mysterious bank v1.5

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This is my first map(and now complete) based on jail maps and planned like a "Payday map".
The mission of the terrorist is to plant the bomb in the hard box(or heli) to escape with the money and win(or kill the CT's),the CT's work is to protect the bank(or kill the TT`s).

The map is full of secret rooms, secret side history, hospital, the CT's base is more stylish(the TT's base too) and more.

I still have much work and im working in a WWII map and a zombie map but ill still work in the Bank Assault v2map.

√ Feel free to comment and make suggestions
(that helps me to be better)
∗ The sprites aren't mine, the sprites are from usegior,lubo and others in the forums, go and see their work.
∗ New tile set(not mine) named turungaith i found it in the forums
∗ The skins aren't mine, the skins are from the halo pack in the forum

× Pls dont copy the map

• very little update: 2 new rooms, new tile set and new sistem, and the white button continue to do nothing and deleted that cancerous green background.
edited 2×, last 01.11.15 06:12:01 am
Approved by Seekay

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381 kb, 423 Downloads


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old Bad title

User Off Offline

Nice idea, but have bad map name for me, i have suggestion : "de_bank_assault"


Moderator Off Offline

You are acknowledging that there's nothing like that in your files. UnrealSoftware shows files in your zip archive that you claim aren't there. Therefore I will go ahead and remove them.


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@ZxC nothing in my files, are you sure you used the right decompress tool?


Moderator Off Offline

Bank Assault/.DS_Store
__MACOSX/Bank Assault/._.DS_Store

After checking the zip file archive of this, I found weird files as these two above.
So I may ask you, what are these files inside your zip archive? What is the main purpose for these files?


User Off Offline

@user Jite:who cares if you'll not test it? it's useless, anyway nice try i hope can you improve it.
I like it!


Talented Doge
User Off Offline

Where can I find a bank built on a plain?


Super User Off Offline

Its a nice try but doesnt fullfill the conditions to get a like from me. Reason? Read what user Rainoth mentioned already.


User Off Offline

I can say its horrible because I cant even think that it's a bank?! but I'll leave a like for a beginner. Nice try anyways
I like it!
edited 1×, last 30.10.15 11:17:33 am


User Off Offline

I wont test it, because it looks not really impressive.


Moderator Off Offline

It's decent work for your first map, way better than most first maps uploaded here, however it's still very lacking.
For starters, I would remove all that eye cancer green tile and only use it where you really need it.
Don't use effects pointlessly, use different tiles for building in screenshot two, use tile blending, tile rotation, rotate other object too. Use a default CS2D installation to show off your work (or at least an installation with skins that allows us to understand what the actual weapons are).


Reviewer Off Offline

would you like a pie?


Reviewer Off Offline

Uploads like these make me wanna poison myself.
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