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English Labyrinth Enigma >

8 comments7 kb, 432 Downloads

old Labyrinth Enigma

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The server where the labyrinth is hosted is very bad, some can't even join it, so I realease the lua code which generate the labyrinth

For some who missed the rules :

I have a logic challenge for you, a cs2d labyrinth made by me.
All you have to do is to go in the 25th room - in this room, your nick and your usgn will be saved.

There is no wallhack protection on the server, so to complete the win, you will have to give the logic of the labyrinth as a proof.

F2 - show score
F3 - close score

Good Luck.

since you got it on your computer, with spec on, it will be a lot easier.
for the moment arround 30 people tried and 4 succeed.

Have Fun.
Approved by Seekay

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7 kb, 432 Downloads


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stranger in the night
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one more like from me :)! This file deserve at list much more like's
Amazing idea,keep doing such awesome work like this!!!
I like it!


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Ahah thanks
@user 1uP: 4 like isn't bad for a file like this, there is a lot of very usefull files underrated with less than 4 likes.


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Really hard, i can't finish it... But, anyway this is very creative map, 8/10
I like it!


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noone liked it gg ed nob in chess
I like it!


Talented Doge
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Finally I can solve this in my own CS2D. Nice idea and work.
I like it!


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@user Matiherrera02: it's a labyrinth, the main goal is to understand how the labyrinth works to go in the 25th room. going in the 25th room without logic is possible, but it's certainly a lot less fun
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