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15 comments3 kb, 544 Downloads

old [Yank] Mess The Map (Move Tiles)

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Cheers sweeties,

today I bring you my little tile moving script. What it does is, allow the players to move certain map objects (just like Garry's Mod). I simply thought that this would be a nice tool for mappers so decided to make it. It is indeed simple and quick.

∗ Utilization ∗

Since I didn't have any other idea of a way to do this, right now, you must tell the script which tiles can be moved.
To do that, you must put an entity (Trigger_Once recommended) on its position and name it @messMe. Then, you will need to put the tileset frame number for the tile that's gonna be under it (the floor) on its Trigger value. It sounds kinda confusing I know, I really recommend you to analyze the demo map that's included on the file (messThisMap).

∗ Installation ∗

Just paste the contents of the zip on your root directory.

∗ Notes ∗

• To move a tile, you need to aim on it and then press E (you must be near it also).
• I highly recommend you to analyze the demo map on the editor to understand how the script works.
• If you want a feature to be added, changed or removed, be sure to comment about it !

License >

That's it ladies, hope you make some nice maps with this, see you arround.
edited 7×, last 20.09.15 08:56:52 pm
Approved by Starkkz

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3 kb, 544 Downloads


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Amazing o:
I like it!


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Any features you'd like me to add ?


Reviewer Off Offline

I see someone is really happy.
I like it!


Moderator Off Offline

Oh, I've forgot that awesome file by this Wanker. It is also quite hilarious when you try to mess the map by moving the tiles until you made everything messy.
I like it!


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Another awesome file by our dearest Yank
I like it!


User Off Offline

Tried this out, it's awesome. I wonder if it could be used in a game mode... Anyways, nice work 'wank.
I like it!


Super User Off Offline

Whoa, nice idea. Completely nice idea!
I like it!


User Off Offline

looks very well, good job
I like it!


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I'd really like to see a puzzle or zombie survival map with this
EDIT: I've just recoded most of the script to fix the bugs and vulnerabilities it had. Im uploading this new version tomorrow or so.
EDIT: Uploaded.
edited 2×, last 26.09.15 02:36:15 pm


User Off Offline

very wow much cool
I like it!


User Off Offline

A good script, good job man!
I like it!


User Off Offline

i tried it on his server, it work Xd
I like it!


User Off Offline

@user Paulo49: Yeah the MAP is indeed pretty nice ._.


Mami Tomoe
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"insert a useless comment here"
I like it!

old Good

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Nice map.
I like it!
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