Bullworth gameHuturredX User Offline 29.06.10 01:57:53 am The map more or less done for the game Bully, map objectives and living in a gym and learn that not everything looks and what'd be contains pictures and sounds Note terrorists are girls and counter-terrorists are boys Approved by GeoB99 (19.03.17 02:35 pm) Download 29 kb, 449 Downloads
senar User Offline 29.06.10 04:05:11 pm i play bully:scholarship edition from 1 year its good and the map need more skins and lua scripts i used wii and ps2 to play bully:scholarship I like it!
u should have luaOlaFPhp User Offline 29.06.10 11:07:30 am its very good if u put role play lua in it I like it!
Souru User Offline 29.06.10 10:23:24 am I'm playing bully:scholarship edition now :D(great game) But sprites can be better I like it!