Latest version released on 7/24/2015
Barricades scattered around the map.
Amount of breakable boxes around the map, some are replaced by barricades.
Weapons scattered around the map, some are removed while some are replaced by FN F2000s.
Phobos Base captured an unknown distress signal from a nearby spacecraft - Central then called in and had us deployed onto the damn thing. This place looks abandoned for years - nobody is here, the computer systems are still functional, the life support systems are disabled and the power supply was long gone but the smell of rotting flesh is another story.
The screams from every direction brings fear onto your squad - a lot of something is coming to get you and your team, your task is to eliminate every one of those bastards.
List of Equipment Provided by Central:
Engineer's Wrench
KM .45 USP
Combat Knife
Ballistic Kevlar Vest & Helmet
Central reports that the spacecraft was identified as the UNG (United Nations' Government) Deep Space Explorer - an 8 crew personnel exploration ship on a mission to explore the moons of Mars (Phobos and Deimos) but unexpectedly gone missing for 27 months until today.
Central also reports that there is a list of special equipment aboard the spacecraft so best you search for it - if possible.
List of Equipment Onboard the UNG Deep Space Explorer:
Experimental Power Armor MK. 1
Experimental Medic Armor
Heavy Combat Armor
XM1014 Combat Shotgun
P90 Standard Issue Submachinegun
.50 Night Hawk
Night Vision Goggles
Ballistic Kevlar Vest & Helmet
Usage of Rights & DistributionUsage of Rights & Distribution
You can use the map on your server.
You cannot edit the map.
You cannot re-upload the map without permission.
Map Credits
Without them, I doubt this map would even become a reality.
@ Rattle189: - Mapping
@ Blazetop111: - Ideas and Support
@ Mawd: - Tileset (from his F.E.A.R. 2D series)
@ ImBack: - Sprites (from cs_italy)
@ Alistaire: - Sprites (from de_vantage)
@ DC: - Counter-Strike 2D
Links & Stuff!
edited 13×, last 08.03.16 11:37:31 am
Approved by Seekay
331 kb, 471 Downloads