Welcome, this is a Project.Extract3 [v.3.142] (13) rip-off for maps
The point of Mapexport is simple: Uploading a map that uses a lot of images and sounds is a real pain in the ass... and because I'm a nice guy, I want to save your ass from being hurt!
What does Mapexport do?
Mapexport automatically exports a map (and the files used) to a folder, making it super easy to export the map altogether with its resources.
Assume, you have a big RPG map with 100 used images and sounds. How long will it take you to copy all these files manually, recreating the original folder structure? Probably an hour. Mapexport does it in seconds.
How to use Mapexport?
Start a New Game with the selected map
enter "mapexport [OS type]" in console
wait a few seconds, you'll see Console windows open - don't worry
go to your CS2D folder and you will see a folder called "mapexport_MAPNAME"
Yes, it's simple.
Command "mapexport"
Syntax: mapexport [OS Type]
OS Type is an optional paramater, it'll try its best to auto-detect your OS.
Values: windows / linux / mac
Mapexport will copy all used map resources to a folder in the root of your CS2D directory ("mapexport_<mapname>"). As this folder contains all files used by the map, it's ready to be shared with friends or be uploaded to Unreal Software.
Command "listexport"
Syntax: listexport [OS Type]
Listexport will make a list of all files used by map and write it to a text file in the root of your CS2D directory. This file is called "listexport_<mapname>.txt" and contains one file path per line.
Put the .lua into the /sys/lua/autorun folder
Question / Bug reports?
It's best you send me a private message here for me to notice. Or create a new issue: https://gitlab.com/VADemon/cs2d-mapexport
edited 28×, last 04.12.20 10:25:02 am
Approved by Starkkz
3 kb, 659 Downloads