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7 comments138 kb, 433 Downloads

old fy_grass_pf

Thug Life
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Sup, us users,
Today, I'm uploading an old fight yard map made by me. I uploaded it more time ago, but I removed it bcz I wanted to fix some things at it and, now, I think it's ready to be uploaded again.
∗ Le Description ∗
Counter-Terrorists and Terrorists are closed in a fight yard for "training", but this fight yard isn't a normal one : here you can fight only with the pistols and with another weapons, hide somewhere in the map. Fight till you'll get bored from playing it!
∗ What this map includes: ∗
> pistols at the spawn points : glock18, usp, p228, deagle, five-seven, elite
> HE grenades at the middle right & left of the map
> Molotov cocktails and Gas grenades hide under boxes (if you want them, you need to discover those boxes which hide them)
> "Camp zones" in the back of spawn points where you can camp and reload your gun (there you can find a secondary ammo, a kevlar vest and a helmet with a kevlar vest)
∗ What you can do with my map ∗
√ Open a server and play it with your friends or with your bots.
× Don't steal it, reupload it and say it that it's yours.
Rate, Comment and, eventually, like my map!
Approved by Infinite Rain

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138 kb, 433 Downloads


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Great map but would love to see a different layout. The Iceworld / Snow layout has become to common now.
I like it!


Thug Life
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@user Sparty: Actually, I think those guys behind you liked my map only bcz I have a detailed description. Anyway, thx for your answer.
@user like cs2d: Yh, the size of my map is the same of fy_snow, but the design of my map is different that fy_snow. Btw, I appreciate that you like it.


like cs2d
User Off Offline

wow its grass map it same of snow
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

Heres a ganja like my bro. Cause I like the details your giving about the map.
I like it!


Thug Life
User Off Offline

Thx for your opinions. I'm glad that you like my map


User Off Offline

fy_snow in summer
I like it!


User Off Offline

Ur map is decent but i like it
I like it!
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