I started making ctf-con maps and out of 6 i made until now, i decided to upload ctf_spacecraft
Map is symmertical, balanced. Flag is just outside the spawn point for quick access and has many options for building your defence around it. There are two main paths leading to main base in form of "long hallways" with many obstacles and some "rooms". Primary ammo is placed on many corners of map for quick ammo refill. Also contains "death room", that can horribly kill players, if they are not careful.
NOTE: Map was focused to be made for unlimited ctf+construction!
NOTE: Map is playable on ares Construction server

Enjoy !
01 - Spawn base
02 - Flag Zone
03 - Middle (Left Side)
04 - Reaching the Flag Zone (Right Zone)
05 - Wall-clear shot from another space station... i mean mapexport
edited 3×, last 07.04.15 10:15:47 pm
Approved by Infinite Rain
311 kb, 430 Downloads