THEMUD - M4A1THEMUD User Offline 02.04.15 11:11:26 pm Howdy everyone again, I'm presenting a new file by me, called M4A1. It's a new design of the M4 in the game, I just added one design. Enjoy! edited 2×, last 14.07.15 10:24:51 am Approved by Infinite Rain (04.12.15 02:16 am) Download 70 kb, 509 Downloads
GeoB99 Moderator Offline 03.04.15 08:56:05 am I agree with those guys below, the image drop is too big, does the player can handle such thing? The rest is good but if you fix this, shall i give my like. I like it!edited 1×, last 03.04.15 11:21:09 am
Stinger User Offline 03.04.15 06:56:44 am @ Sparty: haha u are right niggay, i'm lmao too, now idk how to stop laughing, maybe i need some sleeping pills
J192 User Offline 03.04.15 06:12:22 am Drop image is huge af. Also, the lack of shading makes it look quite flat.
Sparty Reviewer Offline 03.04.15 01:35:45 am fuck me.. because I'm laughing my ass off, with these 2 homies comment on this file lolol..
Raisun User Offline 02.04.15 11:18:10 pm Good golly, that's some huge ass drop image. It's not actually bad, but try to make it smaller.