cs_unmarked, the name is really bad, I tried to go with something that says that the map is abandoned as well as its location is unknown. I might change the name later on.
As for usual I used a lot of images, so writing credits is gonna be hard again. yay.
As always with my maps I put outside decoration on the map so as you're playing you 're never going to see a black area on the map.
This time I used more shadows, but I think ima use fake shadows for the all map on the next map I make. Right now it's pretty random.
You can also see level differences at some places as well as (in my opinion) a really clever sewer. Oh and ofc...easter eggs

So this time around I got a huge help in terms of images. Thanks to

Of course there were other people's files used here. You know the drill, I can't remember everyone so leave a comment if I missed you out.

Some info:
Time taken: 5 months (me being lazy), overall 15-20 hours
Map size: I forgot again

Secrets on the map? yeah, though I removed a lot of them, including a pretty cool one where you can get out of the playable area. Had reasons.
Map phases:
Final map: (Contains secrets)
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