
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > Yates - Shit in-game hat creation script
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52 comments9 kb, 732 Downloads

old Yates - Shit in-game hat creation script

Reviewer Off Offline

• This is a serious (but not so serious) script which allows moderators the ability to render all shit hatchanging scripts useless and deletable.

This script allows the possibility for players to create their own hat in-game. The hat size is limited to 16 by 16 pixels to stop mega abuse purposes. Once your hat has been created, save it, then when the server restarts the map you and everyone else shall see that super duper shit you made.

> Features:
• Super duper awesome look-a-like CS2D menu.
• Super duper awesome click able sliders!
• Super duper awesome arrows to point out your RGB & V!
• Super duper awesome preview of your shit hat!
• Super duper awesome left click to add a pixel!
• Super duper awesome right click to remove a pixel!

Press F2 to use.

√ Do what the fuck you want to.
× Don't upload any more shit hat changing/selection scripts.

Other files like this:
file cs2d Yates - Shit menu colour/color say/chat changer

• Special thanks to user MikuAuahDark for the file file cs2d MikuAuahDark: Paint V1.0 which has the possibility to create a BMP image with Lua.

I was too lazy to actually create something cool, so here is a simple lame Y.

edited 7×, last 16.03.15 09:58:51 pm
Approved by EngiN33R

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9 kb, 732 Downloads


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User Off Offline

its too complicated for me pls explain it in easier words.
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

@user Infinite Rain: It makes perfect sense. If people are given the possibility of creating hats in-game that shall most defenitely lead to new hackers, trolls and server crashing.

Haha I lol'd so hard can someone delete that. I don't care about the hate or no like but that's just bull.


Deleted User

@user Thug Life:
That seriously is the most bullshit reason I've ever heard of.
I like it!


User Off Offline

tip top kek
I like it!


Thug Life
User Off Offline

No and I'll tell you why:
This "script" let the players to make them hats only 16x16 which are littler than a normal one from game (one of it is 32x32) + it'll give kids hopes to open servers with this kind of script and with "plz lazor, plz super armor, no kill meh, open all doorz" which lead to freebans, new hackers born, crashing them servers, maybe cs2d too and..yh you know.
Btw, I appreciate your work, but I think cs2d doesn't need it.
For the "trollers": No, I don't hate him and, better you, guys, is to shut your mouths. Like I said above, I like the another works made by him, he's a great scripter which using a strange psychology to "fight" with the other users who hate him, but I don't like this file.
PS. It's just my opinion, so don't start a stupid flame against me.


User Off Offline

dat features, anyway I liked how the left click and right click function work!
I like it!


Super User Off Offline

Pls fix the title yates.. you forgot to say that it's "shit in-game hat creation script" how could users know that this script belongs to the super duper awesome series if you dont use the right title?
I like it!


User Off Offline

As always, nice work!
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

user Yates has written
Do what the fuck you want to.


Deleted User

Creative and awesome, good work!
I like it!


Super User Off Offline

You deserve my like sir, you deserve it by 100%.

̶Y̶a̶t̶e̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶m̶o̶d̶e̶r̶a̶t̶o̶r̶!̶
I like it!


User Off Offline

So now, whenever user Yates gets Idiot mode again, we shall expect more of his super duper awesome files.

Nice work.
I like it!


User Off Offline

@user DC, @user Yates Haha i muss laugh.
But i like it.
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

@user DC: Wait what. Thanks.


User Off Offline

COOL! , this is the best script ever seen
I like it!


Admin On Online

I like the spirit. I remove your idiot state for this achievement.
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

@user Rainoth: Well, basically when a user wants to select a hat, he (or she) is selecting a certain image with different pixel placement & colours. So I created a hat script that allows you, after recreation, to select any sort of hat that already exists/will exist.

Then again, a simple loop through all hats with a menu selection is easily possible. I shall add this, when I have time.. So next week.
edited 2×, last 13.03.15 05:42:31 pm


Moderator Off Offline

It's a bit ironic how files with such descriptions and titles turn out to be best of all uploaded files. Good job.

P.S. Does it open a menu to select your hats? If not, it's different from hat scripts so can't say I could remove the worst ones.
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

@user _Yank: Well then I shall update my file description to "Once your hat has been created, save it, then when the server restarts the map you and everyone else shall see that super duper shit you made." - as if I were to draw the hat manually, I would need to create a 32 by 32 image 16*16 times as each pixel should be in a different spot within the 16 by 16 radius (resulting in 16*16 images separately loaded per player, as the image has to behave like a hat, turn and so on). Which is not so server efficient, sadly.

Thank you all. It was quite fun to make it.
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