Today I'm releasing a mix/match administration script for clanservers. To make the gameplay easier and smoother you are able to use a set of commands.
Sometimes players are cheating with RCON, for example, setting their health to a higher value or give their team some money.
So, I decided to make a blacklist for RCON commands.
Commands in that table will not be able to be executed using !rcon.
You can still execute RCON commands trough the console, but that will be shown in the chat which is busting yourself on cheating.
Commands and RCON commands will be logged (including USGN/IP) to prevent abuse.
You can use sv_invisible to make your server invisible to other players, and only join by IP, preventing your server being attacked by DDoS.
I hope managing mixes/matches will be easier with this script.

Extract "mixadmin" folder to "sys/lua/".
Extract server.lua to "sys/lua"

Suggestions and feedback is welcome.

edited 16×, last 01.10.16 07:41:08 pm
Approved by Infinite Rain
6 kb, 1,089 Downloads