Rule of Death is adventure i made few years ago. But it was never really fun. It was supposed to be adventure divided to more Acts. I made two Acts and started with third but never finished it. Now after 3 years i decided to give it another try. I made brand new Rule of Death: Reborn - One big single player RPG Adventure. (Note, that this is not the sequel to old RoD, this is brand new story!)
Another story of Zombie infection. City was suddenly attacked by zombies. For some reason the city is locked in and nobody can escape. You escaped deep into mountains and found a hidden laboratory. You met
some people hiding in there. They are running low on supplies and they need your help. Nobody knows, how
this infection happened or why is city locked... Can you find out and stop the infection?
Gain quests and get rewards in form of weapons and items. Meet new people all around the city. Find out their stories by finding notes, that are hidden all over the map. Once you are powerful, defeat final boss - Pacient Zero !
- 16 main story quests and rewards for each
- 2 optional and 1 secret quests
- 25 "Collectible" notes on the map, that reveals the story
- Unlockable Fast Travel between key locations
- 3 Secrets hidden in the map in form of weapons
- 4 Unlockable Survival Events
- HUGE map to Explore !
Its simple. Choose TEAM DEATHMATCH gamemode (for respawns). Turn Fog of War ON - without it adventure would be much easier. Set 0 bots. Start a game, join CTs but dont set more than 4 max players. Game can be played SinglePlayer or with friends, but too many players would cause the adventure to be, again, way too easy and... ammo is very limited in this adventure, there wouldnt be enough for everyone :D.
If you play with 3+ players, make sure, you have autoteambalance turned off and have high enough "limitteams" (or wait, it doesnt work like that in cs2d?). Also if you plan to get all 25 notes, bring something to write numbers of notes, that you found... so you know, how many you already found.
- Playtime is long - expect minimal of one and a half hour and more to finish the main story. (Speedrun took 45 minutes)
- Optional Playtime - thats if you want to find all notes, all secrets, explore the map or try out all unlockable horde events. Gives about another half hour or more.
- Use E to interact - with buttons, closed doors or to talk to guys with quest.
- Adventure tells you what to do. All texts are in English, look for Arrows, that appear after accepting quests, use city map included in downloaded file.
- "Talk to SOMEONE for new quest" - interaction wont show conversation, just shows the goal of this quest.
- Hints are shown, when you need them. Just read them, when they appear in chat section.
This is Version 1.0 - it still may have bugs... so if something unexpected happens, im sorry... but it shouldnt. Let me know about bugs in comments or through a message.
Thx to all sprites and sfx owner/s
Thx to all tiles owners - I modified Half Life tiles and added some tiles from Library tiles and some from main CS2D tiles.
Thx to everyone who will have time to try out this adventure

(City Map picture is from older version, but places and paths are actually same as before)
I accept any critism and suggestions
I had fun making this adventure and i hope you will have same fun playing it
Enjoy ! edited 3×, last 30.01.15 07:35:54 pm