I have recreated de_mirage (global offensive layout) to a counter strike 2D map. PLEASE read the credits!
- Alistaire, de_vantage. (nice and easy to use, recommended)
- de_mirage tileset (CS2d.br don't give other people credits, hence why I cannot here)
- de_inferno tileset (original)
- Alistaire, de_vantage
- de_cpl sprite set for Inferno
- zfedorv - Realistic sprite set
BubkeZ (original author)
Valve Corporation (CSGO)
Let me know if there is anything i've missed out.
Took me around 5-6 hours.

edited 1×, last 01.12.16 02:11:58 am
Approved by Leiche
2.40 mb, 1,233 Downloads