de_oldparkPamoon User Offline 05.10.14 12:05:09 pm Hi, this is my second map It took me 4 hours to make. de_oldpark, it's just a simple map. Credits: useigor: for some sprites. DC for this game. Map features: There're no features. Added bot_node, fixed lighters (edited 4x). You can: Do any things. Steal it. Have fun! If you want good graphics, go to "Options" -> "Graphics" at "lighting", choose "low" or higher. edited 5×, last 05.10.14 12:32:02 pm Approved by Infinite Rain (04.12.15 02:02 pm) Download 332 kb, 414 Downloads
GeoB99 Moderator Offline 05.10.14 04:33:08 pm Nice map man a like for you, keep up with new maps. I like it!
Thug Life User Offline 05.10.14 04:24:06 pm Oh, man, that car.. Anyway, you made a nice map, so here's my like. Keep it up the good work. I like it!
Time User Offline 05.10.14 04:17:45 pm Has a nice atmosphere to it but that's not enough to earn a like from me. The layout is just painfully random in certain areas and doesn't seem thought out at all.
XoOt Super User Offline 05.10.14 01:49:19 pm Its not bad actually. Deserves a like, keep up the good work. I like it!
DevGru User Offline 05.10.14 01:46:03 pm @ Random guy: They put the car at that spot and built walls around it. Happy? I like it!
Random guy User Offline 05.10.14 12:40:16 pm no you don't get it. That car placement there makes no sense. How would that car get in there? I like it!
Pamoon User Offline 05.10.14 12:22:15 pm Random guy. No, Obama used to drive this car, and it's very old, and the park is very old too.
Random guy User Offline 05.10.14 12:17:05 pm Looks awesome, but remove that car in the first picture. That makes no sense there lol I like it!