1. Description
2. Features
3. Installation
4. Configuration
5. Reserved Variables
6. Useful Info
7. Notes
8. Limitations
9. Rules
10. Version History

Just long time not uploading a script. Hey wait, i'm still alive, i'm just start learn to be a music producer.
This Lua allows you to restore all of your stats, position, weapons, and addtional script-specific stats data when you reconnect from connection problems.

Install it as usual(see download page)

* - Doesn't re-allocated when already exists

1. Again, again, and again. Your feedbacks, bug reports on comments.
2. This is my first lua which uses UNIX End-Of-Line system.
3. I just test some parts of it. Like, it's basic feature.
4. Sometimes it doesn't set your weapon to your last-used weapon
5. Because bug in v1.0, you can update to v1.1 by replacing line 174 with this
local t,ain,a=w:match("Titem: #0, pl: %d+, typ: (%d*) %([^,]*%), a: (%d*)|(%d*)")

I'm sure that screenshot doesn't needed
edited 1×, last 22.12.14 11:06:00 am
Approved by Seekay
3 kb, 467 Downloads