Added items:
Lightsaber. Remaked crystal blade.
Electroshock arrow. Remaked fire arrow.
Mellon. Remaked from cacao fruit.
Knife. Remaked from matchet.
Small throwable stone. Remaked from stone and seastar.
Added objects:
Mellon tree. Remaked from Cacao tree. (in progress)
Added combinations:
Electroshock arrow. (Branch + Feather + Dwarf Hat Mushroom + Poison Mushroom)
Bullets. (Iron Rod + Hammer + Torch)
Tent ( Skin + Branch + Thread )
Game changes:
Multiplayer button enabled (not working).
Dive time remaked 50000 from 20000 and dive damage remaked 5 from 10.
Dig time remaked 2000 from 2500 and fish time remaked 2000 from 5500.
Jump time remaked 480 from 450.
Ability to drink from sea.
Very easy to gain skills. (in progress)
Changed logo a bit.
Changed color of buttons.
Additional files:
Stranded II map "Nice Island" (in progress). NOTICE THAT MAP NEEDS SNAIL'S MOD TO WORK PROPERLY!
Stranded II map "Stay alive in 15 days!".
Have Fun!
Approved by Seekay
2.73 mb, 572 Downloads