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English TN Administration script >

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old TN Administration script

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I made this admin script for my servers, so I decided to share it with you guys.
I know you guys are bored of administration scripts, but this one is just simple and stable without any shitty VIP ranks etc.

There are 3 ranks (regular players not included):
• Owner*
• Game Master
• Moderator

*Owner has the same tag like Game Masters, the only difference between them is that Owners can use !rcon.

The script has exactly 20 useful commands (you can suggest more if I forgot some).
Just type !help ingame to see the available commands.
Game Moderators have a few more commands, like !reload, !map etc.
Choose your GM's of your server wisely.
F4 - Wallhack (can be disabled for Moderators)

Minor improvements >

Facebook Pling (when PM) is licensed under Public Domain.

Edit it as much as you want, I appreciate some credits.
edited 7×, last 20.04.14 12:06:55 am
Approved by Seekay

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Yates who cry cause his script was stolen.

user Thug Life: I hate talking off topic , however seriously dude you really have to forget about making stupid comments which have no sense.
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

Thug Life has written
Yates who cry cause his script was stolen.

I indeed cried. Full of laughter, after I took down their shit and gave buggy script solutions

You honestly have no idea what you are doing here. Please log out and go outside or something.
I like it!

old ...

CS2D Boss
BANNED Off Offline

All here talking about nothing I agree with @user Rainoth:
TopNotch is a good scripter . also who created the Deagle One Shot script is TopNotch ...
Why all say it's stolen
he did not steal it .. He made it with his own scripting
It's useless to say other "You stealed my file" and lie plus he didn't stealed it ...
If he stealed it , Give the complete link & Proof
I like it!


Thug Life
User Off Offline

@user Yates: Let the fuckin thing about F4 cause I wasn't right about it, but the rest what I'm talkin about is stolen. And who have no life? The Viva La Dick Shit guy aka Yates who cry cause his script was stolen.
edited 1×, last 24.04.14 10:01:56 am


User Off Offline

Here comes the sucker
you said you made the script?
you cant write your names as well so how can you make a script.


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@user Thug Life: WOW, SHIT! F4 = wallhack? Gotta change that in my script, might break some super mega copyright.

Go no-life somewhere else.
I like it!


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I ask you too. Can't you fuck off back to Romania to your Gypsy family?

Half of the servers running admin scripts have same or similar features, so your argument is invalid.

So stop annoying me, Lower Brain (it's singular, not plural you fuckwit).

/ty mods for ban, but this fag is annoying
I like it!


Thug Life
User Off Offline

@user Raisun: I ask u "You're idiot?" . DC HappyTown admin script isn't made by DC. And I can say why that script and TopNotch script are same :
- F4 as Wallhack
- only owner can use !rcon
- !help to see commands
- exist GM, Mod & owner
- contains 20 commands
So, stop defend him, Lower Brains.


Reviewer Off Offline

Script seems legit. I don't believe TopNotch would have stolen this from the people that have decided to hate here, as no one @ Infinity apart from Starkkz knows how to code. Even Buttercum asked me for a shitload and later said he did it himself.

So no, this is not stolen. Enjoy your free code peeps.
I like it!


Moderator Off Offline

I'd prefer if you made your language more mild. Frankly, this whole Infinity vs NGM/Yates/whatever thing is getting really annoying. user TopNotch is a pretty good scripter. This script isn't all that almighty and great. It's neat and good. I don't see how he couldn't write such a thing.

@user dawood12: I believe the proof that he made it is the file itself. Unless you yourself find a complete copy link. Otherwise your arguments are worth nothing. If you however are talking about some random script that not uploaded here then don't bother. Discuss it in your clan forum or wherever you talk about such things.

I guess I can't say much more about the script. It's good but not great. There are far better admin scripts and this one isn't particulary different. Yet people like it so I assume that they see something that makes it unique. Can't say I myself like it, though.


User Off Offline

You dont need to proof ?
GTFO and yates didnt make it.
Give me a proof.


User Off Offline

Well, good for you Thug Life, but I don't fucking care. I wrote this from scratch and no need to proof anything here.
@user dawood12The admin script that Infinity uses is made by Yates. So, actually you guys are the thieves here. But whatever, not going to argue with you kid, pointless.


User Off Offline

You people are fucking unbelievable.

@user Thug Life DC's script was 100% made (so not original) with parts of other scripts, just like other "cool" admin scripts. But no wonder you can't tell us the difference, you are busy with your (c)rap. And it's pretty obvious that admin scripts have similar/same commands, especially !ban and !kick.
I like it!


User Off Offline

What do the rules have to do with this? I don't see a rule like "Don't say TN Administration script is stolen".


Thug Life
User Off Offline

@user TopNotch: You really made this script? Or u just edited and posted it without the real creator permission?
Why I said this thing?
Because part of the commands remember me about an old admin script posted more time ago and, now, it isn't uploaded here. Maybe, a part of users remember about DC HappyTown server? Now it closed, but the owner of that server used his own Admin script. I'm not the real owner of that server, but I have his script which isn't edited and it's the original one.
Maybe, that's a big proof to show that TopNotch script is stolen.


User Off Offline

TopNotch has written
@ Accurator: If you really think I stole it... Be nice and tell me where I stole it from.

I didn't say you stole it.


Reviewer Off Offline

To end this retarded flaming..yates needs to come here and comment if @user TopNotch: stole his lua script.
I like it!


User Off Offline

the story is a big proof.
You can see the script its same as our one but without gold rank.


User Off Offline

Dawood,stop this, it's pathetic... If you have no proofs then don't open the subject.
I know that there are some problems between our clan and Yates' squad, but that's not a reason for flaming this site.
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