Map Protection is a tool that allows you to protect your map from edited/used on another server. While you have the full constructed map, other people just downloading a blank map

Install it as usual

Note: it doesn't reallocate table if it already exist

You can find user configuration line on top of file

1. Configure if necessary
2. load this lua to your server
3. Enter this command: protect <MP.Password> and wait if it hangs
3a. Restart your server(not the round) if you set MP.MakeCopy to false and it's done. Not need to do the next steps and you can un-load this script for your server(if MP.Portable is true)
3b. Disconnect your servr if MP.MakeCopy is true
4. Backup your original map and rename the generated file(it's named protected mapname.map and protected mapname.lua) to your map name(*.lua only avaiable if you set MP.Portable to true)
5. Start your server again with this script
6. Done it's now protected

function MP.Protect() MP.Parse("protect "..MP.Password) end

1. Do you found bugs? or you want to put some suggestions? on comment always
2. Screenshot 1 = Map in server
3. Screenshot 2 = Downloaded map
4. It's already compatible with CS2D b0.1.2.5

edited 3×, last 07.09.14 04:19:19 am
Approved by Seekay
3 kb, 549 Downloads