when im testing i just open a new map in editor, that tiny round one is all i need to test, this sand map would have been useless to me testing my yacht scripting
I've been around here much longer and im pretty sure many modder all-ready done this stuff before. all you did is changing the sea level and done nothing after that! thing like that reallly bothers me.
anyone who should need such a test map could just make one himself in less than 30 seconds and the result would probably be even better than this since he'd use a bigger map to begin with. the problem with this map here is that you used 16x16 for the size of the map which means that although the map looks endless the area in which stuff can be placed is actually very limited.
MarteszHU has written
√ you can play it
√ you can edit it
× you can't publish it
× you can't steal it
I gonna steal it