de_DerbystolBATTLEKOT User Offline 09.03.14 02:40:26 pm Hi all! I create new DE map! ----License--- Use this in your server Edit it Say of the you ----End------ Approved by Seekay (21.12.15 04:08 am) Download 449 kb, 393 Downloads
XoOt Super User Offline 10.03.14 06:33:45 pm dafuq Yates it's a deathrun to be honest. 'de'_ = 'de'athrun_ !
-RZ- User Offline 09.03.14 10:01:22 pm @random: well,today I was thinking in upload my map, de_Castle, from the Crossfire game. But now I see that is not good enough. @file: ok. I like it. Good work. ;d I like it!
Revenger User Offline 09.03.14 08:03:39 pm Another dust clone. There are 9999 other maps exactly like this uploaded*, why do people even bother making others? edited 1×, last 09.03.14 08:14:48 pm
XoOt Super User Offline 09.03.14 06:16:55 pm i think there arent enough obstacles and i also miss some strategical placed boxes/wallcorners, the map isnt bad anyway, just need few updates