[JAF] Anti-spamJoni And Friends User Offline 02.02.14 05:35:07 pm Hello all, now i'll give you my some lua. Description: This is anti-spam lua, You will able to say every 3 seconds. How to Installed? Extract first Anti-spam.rar Open Anti-spam folder Copy sys folder in Anti-spam folder Put to your Counter-strike2D folder Enjoy You can use this to your server You can edit it You can reupload (with Credits) you cant say its your edited 5×, last 06.09.24 07:46:10 am Approved by Yates (25.12.15 04:05 pm) Download 2 kb, 623 Downloads
MikuAuahDark User Offline 03.02.14 08:37:16 am But why you change it to exe? it's still better if you change it to txt
Problem Format?Joni And Friends User Offline 03.02.14 08:16:53 am i only replaced the format from lua(.lua) to exe(.exe), you can change the format to lua (if you want). This is not virus :v