It has been a long time since I uploaded anything here, so today its time to change that. I would like to introduce you to my newest creation called dm_moon. I know that space theme is kind of overused in maps (especialy when it comes to zm_ stuff), so I just wanted to bring it to a new level of gameplay experience and space maps creation. Whether I succeeded on completing that task or not, its up to you to judge.
Map Info:
Unsymetrical (74x67)
Custom tiles, with some HQ sprites and a background.
As always I picked some nice SFXs in order to make the map feel a bit more lively
Interractive stuff like buttons and trap triggers
Since its a deathmatch map, I thought it would be cool to add a little "spice" on it, so I created a "healing room" where players can slowly restore their HP (+1 HP per 1 sec)
Dynamic lighting and shadows (breaking a window will result changes in room's lighting)
If you have a good computer, I recommend you to play with Lighting switched on for the maximum effect
Playable with bots and in other game modes, except Construction.
You may use anything you want from the content of the archive, but only on one condition: if you put it to good use.
would like to see more defuse maps from you.[2]
that work cost so much,all of your maps are beautiful and they making this "2d game" beautiful.
Keep going,dude.