Time's ttt_traumaTime User Offline 05.10.13 07:42:35 pm To be consumed cold with a pinch of Livia's Trouble in Terrorist Town. There's a good chance you will see this map on the TTT server. edited 1×, last 05.10.13 07:43:00 pm Approved by Leiche (29.11.15 08:23 pm) Download 85 kb, 558 Downloads
Pseudon User Offline 20.02.14 11:43:28 am @ DukeNukem4ever: There already is such a script. I like it!
LuaDukeNukem4ever User Offline 19.02.14 05:56:22 pm Please,create the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" script! I like it!
Time User Offline 10.10.13 12:52:26 pm @ Thug Life: I have always used photofiltre for all of my gfx. It's probably not optimal for this kind of work but I've gotten used to it.
BlackBelt User Offline 09.10.13 12:47:04 am good to see you back progress.. awesome as alwalys I like it!
Time User Offline 07.10.13 03:18:28 pm @ Pagyra: I have been using 3d walls ever since I started mapping. That was 4 years ago.
Pagyra User Offline 07.10.13 07:19:13 am I am glad that my proposal for "3d"-walls - has been used in your tileset. It looks great. I like it!
EngiN33R Moderator Offline 06.10.13 08:49:35 pm The tileset sells it to me. I never actually played TTT, so I probably won't be able to appreciate the map in context, but man are the visuals great. I like it!
mozilla1 User Offline 06.10.13 08:06:06 pm Hello, I'm known as "no one". I accept your "thanks" gratefully, sir. And here is your like. I like it!