de_tahribatWaLToR User Offline 22.09.13 10:03:31 pm Hello . I'm sorry my English is very bad. My first upload Map Info -------------------- Map name: de_tahribat Title: dust Type: Bomb/Defuse Players: 2x2 -------------------- No edit Approved by Starkkz (04.12.15 12:00 am) Download 2 kb, 522 Downloads
H-X User Offline 24.09.13 05:24:07 pm nice looks like a sand maze but its very small like others said
Horazont User Offline 23.09.13 11:50:52 pm Too small for a de_ map. CTs can easily camp next bombspots so no T would come to plant the bomb.
SekYo User Offline 23.09.13 11:38:04 pm @ 71: Why should i rate something stolen ? Are you blind or brainless idk ?
TopNotch User Offline 23.09.13 05:05:14 pm Ways too small for a bomb defuse map, I agree with BcY, dm would be better. Also, this map is so monotonic, the tiles are all sand, no variation. But it isn't bad. edited 1×, last 23.09.13 11:51:52 pm
BcY Reviewer Offline 23.09.13 04:53:53 pm i think its not suitable with bomb defusing may be better with dm mode. I like it!
71 COMMUNITY BANNED Offline 23.09.13 04:45:01 pm @ SekYo: can you just rate someone's work? Without telling about a bad side of this file. @ WaLToR: well not bad at all, 3.8/5 I like it!
Rainoth Moderator Offline 22.09.13 10:04:41 pm It's quite small. But it's cozy. At least that's how I feel when I look at screenshots. I like it!