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old Кириллица (Cyrillic Alphabet)

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Yesterday i got idea: why the fuck russian-speaking players are using fucking latin alphabet (it's so annoying ) instead of cyrillic? (since And sometimes english words instead of russian...
So, yeah, if you have server and know russian(or other language with cyrillic) then this script for you.
(Otherwise, if you're just player then you need replace font(if you don't have) and use notepad. Write word in notepad, copy it and in game press "ctrl+V".)

The script replaces latin letters on cyrillic. Type "!kir" to enable/disable cyrillic letters(CL). You can also use bind.
Sample: enable/disable CL on F7:
bind F7 "say !kir"
Alphabet (you can find in the script) >
You may think: how to write "схема"? Easily — "syhjema". "Y" is used as a nil character.

Also (samples):
"Ель" <= "JElw".
"Съел" <= "Sqjel"
"Эволюция" <= "Evoljucija"
"Россия" <= "Rossija"
"Энглиш" <= "English"

I don't know other slavic languages which are using cyrillic alphabet so you can add other cyrillic characters. Good luck.
Approved by Sparty

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о спасибо такое мне точно нужно
I like it!


Thug Life
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@user VADemon: My country has Latin origins, so never will use Cyrillic alphabet. This alphabet was used in Middle Ages in my country, now nobody use it in my country. Maybe in future, Moldavia Republic will unify again with Romania and will become the Big Romania
EDIT : Like for good work
I like it!


Thug Life
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@user useigor: Yeah, you're right
@user MAX-russia: Did you know that the Greek civilization appeared before the Russian civilization? All civilization of the Europe and a lil bit from Africa and Asia were influenced by the Greek civilization, including Russia
I like it!


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@user useigor: Nice
@user Thug Life: did you know that in the early middle ages slavs went there ? Thats why greek language is a little based on russian.
I like it!


Super User Off Offline

Brilliant! Plz don`t make the same for chineses.
I like it!


BANNED Off Offline

is it really that possible?
Well anyways good job, liek!
I like it!


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user Thug Life, man it's make no sense for people who are using latin alphabet. So i don't see sense why you commented this.

Do you know that latin alphabet is based on Greek? ahaha


Thug Life
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Is good only for Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian players. For Romanian players isn't good and I give you a like
@user BATTLEKOT: Really? Here are more nationalities who want what do you want. You'll give'em what they want?
@user useigor: A question : Do you know that the Cyrillic alphabet is based from the Greek alphabet?
So, give'em credits
I like it!
edited 4×, last 14.09.13 08:13:15 am


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Good job,DС banned Cyrillic: only English ...
I want a forum for Russian-speaking!
I like it!


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user Junior3534, cyrillic alphabet is used in Serbia, isn't? Why do you mean by "i can't change it on my launguage"?

Well, you have to write latin letters and then you will get cyrillic. "abcd" > "абцд"; "srpski" > "српски".
"!kir" is used to enable/disable this. I noticed that seems game doesn't support some special symbols like њ,ђ,ћ...


User Off Offline

I don't need this cuz im not Rus (i'm from Serbia)
But anyways i like this... It's good cuz much Russian plays CS2D ... I like it

And i got a question, why i can't change it on my launguage?

Write абцд = a???
I can't understand that
I like it!


BANNED Off Offline

hehe nice
I like it!


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So you come by and wanna tell me that I had the wrong font in my folder for over 1 year now? **** YOU!

nvm, good job
I like it!


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user EngiN33R, in some other words c = ts and y =/= i so for me it's easier to use !kir instead of !cyr.


Moderator Off Offline

Good idea and pretty nice implementation. I'd say that some things don't make sense - but then again, the language isn't very simple, so overall it's good.

I must say that I don't understand why you made it !kir instead of !cyr (the first three letters of the English word "cyrillic"), but I guess it doesn't matter that much.
I like it!
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