These scripts are 2-3 years old and really serve no more practical uses other than seeing what TLex was based off and how 250 commands, first of its kind, were made and how it has become a role model for most of the admin scripts you see here on unrealsoftware.
Unfortunately for those of you who were probably hoping for [LaG]'s Fun Script to be uploaded, it is not included in this package. I'm not sure how people will react to these ancient scripts being uploaded so if it comes into many requests, I may release it as well.

-This is not a package of the entire AMX2D system but all the juicy part that makes it.
-These scripts are shared to serve as and for learning purposes only and not expected nor intended for practical use.
-Theses scripts are provided AS IS and will not be updated/supported by me, nor any of it's previous creators.
-Fun lua is not included.
-Last updated on November 26, 2011.

-Any modifications to the script is allowed but original contributors must be credited.
-You are allowed to use these scripts on your own server but will receive no support as these are presented as is.

-Being formerly the last leader and contributor of [LaG] and this script, these are 100% genuine and are not a recreation.

AMX2D created by

Script Expansion and Modifications by

Release by

edited 1×, last 25.07.13 06:39:53 pm
Approved by Yates
26 kb, 717 Downloads