whats new in version 1.1?
when do i need this?
why do i need it?
i designed this to solve conflicts caused when several say hooks was in use at the same time, causing return 1 not to work, if another lua returned 0 after, this would cause chat commands to apper in chat, even due a lua returned 1 properly, addhook2 does not only priorities return 1, it also ONLY adds 1 normal cs2d hook for each hook your lua adds, possibly improving the efficiency of the inbuilt cs2d addhook
add this line in server.lua
IMPORTANT: you must dofile this lua BEFORE all other luas in your sever.lua (you do this, by placing the dofile line BEFORE all other dofiles), you do NOT need to make any changes to your existing lua's
edited 13×, last 12.09.15 11:23:47 pm
Approved by Infinite Rain
2 kb, 488 Downloads