Imperial Shogun skin with Katana by ZeroAzureZeroAzure User Offline 20.07.13 07:14:03 am hi guys, this my second armor skin. this imperial shogun armor and katana shogun armor to all armor katana to knife this skin made by me maybe u can changed the color edit it upload it again stole it im sorry if my skin ugly download my another file Spoiler -Racoon city -new update Racoon city -Speedway by ZeroAzure -Cs2d evolution by ZeroAzure -armor skin - dark jungle camo by ZeroAzure - enjoy it - edited 1×, last 20.07.13 01:25:03 pm Approved by CY (04.12.15 09:00 am) Download 99 kb, 556 Downloads
ZeroAzure User Offline 20.07.13 01:19:52 pm haha thanks, but sorry, u can download again. i hve make better new knife and machete and u can changed that color (only color) edited 1×, last 20.07.13 01:50:16 pm
benmilaPro Gaming cs16 User Offline 20.07.13 10:50:53 am what are you creazy you creat the best shogun and katana i like it good job I like it!
Time User Offline 20.07.13 10:29:50 am Try a lighter color for the armor, like yellow or gray. It would look better that way.