TMP Packbamg User Offline 23.06.13 05:34:43 pm 3 TMP skins: original gold red i was going to upload just original but i want to see if gold and red camos are any good constructive criticism welcomed! Approved by Sparty (10.12.15 12:50 pm) Download 7 kb, 419 Downloads
Gay Ranger User Offline 23.06.13 07:01:04 pm Oh no come hopp not again a yellow weapon but the red one is awesome
Avo User Offline 23.06.13 05:55:59 pm The red one seems to be interesting, but original is my favourite here.
Rainoth Moderator Offline 23.06.13 05:44:20 pm Original is nice. Gold drop image is horrible and normal image makes me think it's a tool to screw rather than a weapon. The red image I don't know, isn't very nice. Probably because it's red color.