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English Hold the Flag gamemode >

8 comments4 kb, 441 Downloads

old Hold the Flag gamemode

Blighted Song
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This is my take on the classic Hold the Flag (or keep the flag, or what have you).

This script will work on any 'standard' capture the flag map(with one flag for each team).

After picking up the flag, your team scores once every five(5) seconds, until the capture limit is reached which makes you win!

Included in the Zip

• holdTheFlag.lua
• background1.png

backgound1.png is a little counter to show the scores if you don't like it just remove it or change it or something.

Lua File Information

tscore and ctscore represent the current score of each team. Changing these will result in a different starting score.

amountIncrease is how many points each teams scores every five seconds and holdAmount is the score needed to win.

The five second score increase can be changed to a different time, but not in a variable at the start of the file.
To change this go to the pickUpFlag function and change the timer values.

Additional Information

The screenshots were taken on ctf_fast, which is not included in this file (pretty sure it's a default map).
And do what you will with this script, I really don't care.

Have fun.
edited 1×, last 18.06.13 05:06:10 am
Approved by Yates

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4 kb, 441 Downloads


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old Question and an error

User Off Offline

This script and more good, I want when the player does not get the time he dies and the flag back to the other enemy base and also realized that using this script have to wait for time to pass to my team win. Unfortunately I can not win even taking the flag up my base.


Blighted Song
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Thanks for all the positive feedback, I'm glad you all like it.


BANNED Off Offline

Great Idea. √
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

I made this a year ago, actually. But a bit different as you win if you are holding the flag when the time ends and it's player vs player so I made my own flag.

Nice job though.
I like it!


User Off Offline

It reminds me my old dropzone gamemode, anyway - nicely done.
I like it!
edited 1×, last 18.06.13 11:51:59 pm


User Off Offline

It would be better with 20 seconds.
But I like this
I like it!

old O.o


Blihtend please mejod tis lua

∗ please upgrade to lua? O.o liked lua super lua
I like it!


User Off Offline

I liked the score
I like it!
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