Wall Hackmitos User Offline 31.05.13 02:23:34 am Hi! I want to share my first script I'm still new in (.lua) I hope you enjoy he teleports to your pointer Approved by DC (07.02.16 09:58 pm) Download 298 b, 706 Downloads
mr_s User Offline 31.05.13 10:01:43 am cool for the first script i was searching for it I like it!edited 2×, last 18.06.13 01:48:08 pm
mitos User Offline 31.05.13 05:38:49 am @ sheeL: I swear not copied I've been studying http://cs2d.com/help.php?luacat=basic&luacmd=reqcld#cmd edited 1×, last 31.05.13 05:55:04 am
sheeL User Offline 31.05.13 05:11:42 am this script is very stupid, you copied it somewhere. Bitch please