Guitorres - New Dust TilesetBlackBelt User Offline 12.05.13 06:55:38 am hi *---* .. hope u like my new dust tileset, remembering that some tiles were made and other selected, thx you Instal: put the file on [cs2d/gfx/tiles/:] edited 1×, last 12.05.13 06:56:01 am Approved by Sparty (20.03.16 03:47 am) Download 92 kb, 476 Downloads
Pagyra User Offline 13.05.13 08:00:31 am Best, but try to add more orange color and to do texture of bricks / stones / wall seamless, add some shade for boxes and it look like a css style I like it!
Chingy User Offline 12.05.13 01:40:44 pm Quote*---* Congratz BlackBelt, you're officially gay now. @ 0verGuyver: Agree. I like it!edited 1×, last 12.05.13 02:29:15 pm