[Gajos] House Script [v1.0]Gajos BANNED Offline 14.04.13 06:14:22 pm Author: Gajos Version: 1.0 Add houses to the map on your server. House only for one player. House is automatically sold when a player comes out of the server. !help !sell house 1.0 First release. 1.1 Adding a co-owner of the house. Go to the Map Editor and and check a x and y positions house's door Open the config file and write in h.func.AddHouse(x,y) Save the file edited 17×, last 05.12.13 10:45:34 pm Approved by Infinite Rain (04.12.15 01:52 pm) Download 2 kb, 788 Downloads
not workingImNotSoPhat User Offline 17.03.16 03:29:11 am Dude i added the x and y coordinates to the house trigger and i still can't get that house
Sniper Killer User Offline 04.02.14 11:42:24 am pls help me how to know x,y postion of door house and h.func.AddHouse(x,y) to add other house do this (x,y,x,y) or (x,y)(x,y) help me fast I like it!
Pamoon User Offline 02.01.14 04:37:17 am What's?? Command? You must put this by buttons, no body know this command. (bad English)
I hate you matka skurwielhunter139 User Offline 26.08.13 04:32:54 pm awful script i dont like it because, in all topics and files, you say this script have more likes than mine ? go see mine ...
alex72super User Offline 25.08.13 09:22:53 pm It's a very cool script, i hope someday i will make these kind of scripts I like it!
Thug Life User Offline 22.08.13 09:57:02 am Ooo! They gotcha' ya! Triple accounts ? Holysheet About the script is good but very simple. P.S.: We need a moderator there. Where are they? Admin/mod comment §2.1 - No needless and/or doubled posts (spam)
H-X User Offline 22.08.13 07:47:23 am check this out: http://www.unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=14206&goto=154309#com154309 and this too: http://scr.hu/1rhf/rwqg9 Admin/mod comment §2.1 - No needless and/or doubled posts (spam)
Shawni User Offline 16.04.13 06:38:54 pm @ Avo: No, No, No, Yates style :d I like it!edited 1×, last 16.04.13 07:58:22 pm