Realistic blood by Fapicon_rusStirlizZ-Fapicon Super User Offline 25.05.10 10:09:52 pm This mod will make blood (and snow) more realistic (see at screens). Copy file "fragments.bmp" to CS2d/gfx/ and... ...Enj0y!!! Approved by Infinite Rain (03.12.15 11:37 pm) Download 229 kb, 1,738 Downloads
Memeoji User Offline 09.11.12 02:55:06 pm Whats the link of player skin? Btw the blood is awesome! I like it!
Julia D14M0ND-H34RT User Offline 13.07.12 12:56:00 pm Nice. @peoplehavingbadPC: If you have a bad pc this mod is a very good thing to slow your CS2D down. I like it!
KarBoy2314PL User Offline 06.07.12 11:56:04 am Nice job. Now install this and Gore mode very high I like it!