unzip to lua folder.
open users in zui folder and change my USID to yours.
open game and press F2.
F2 - access menu.
@(rcon command)
!gfx - enable a blue aurora (accessible to players with gfx privileges)
!(color chat)
Player Menu - Browse through players in the server and click on each to view more information and controls over that player. this is easier then doing @makespec or @register because u can hold tab and browse through players at the same time by using your mouse/keypad.
Preset Menu - Manage specific server presets.
Ban Menu - Manage Bans. (only if player was banned with the lua.)
Server Options - view/manage server commands.
Rank Menu - view/manage player ranks and privileges.
Users Menu - view/manage all registered users.
Bots Menu - view/manage bots (Autobot automatically kicks bots depending on total about of players)
Save/Sync - sync all modified users ranks and presets.
Map Voting - set the maps you want to rotate in the server by editing the maps text file, if you want this feature just set map rounds to >0 when creating a new server preset.
This is still in alpha mode, please report any bugs in this thread!
edited 4×, last 02.04.13 07:01:26 am
Approved by Yates
23 kb, 627 Downloads